Monday 19 July 2010


Okay, i saw Twilight a few days ago and I decided not to post immediately afterwards because i loved it so much i would've sounded like a hysterical Japanese fanboy.  But i just read someone's blogpost that reminded me about the film so here we are.

Before Eclipse, every time someone brought up Twilight i would completely cringe and shut off. It sounded way too much like Harry Potter, which I COMPLETELY HATE, now this may shock many of you but I've never read a Potter book and I've only sat through like 2 of those movies. They disgust me, too British, too stale, no JAZZ. Twilight seemed like such a fangirl thing, where 12 year old girls would throw their little 'Team Edward' and 'Team Jacob' panties on the screen, and wet themselves, sort of like the Jonas Brothers and High School Musical (although i love those things) The only reason I went to see it was because a very good friend paid for me, so yeah.

The biggest surprise was that it was set in the real world, like i had no idea that they went to normal school and all that. Another thing I don't like about Potter is that they go to shitty hogwarts and get on stupid trains. I'm sorry if i'm upsetting any hardcore Potter fans but i just hate it! Anything set in an American high school, i will love - High School Musical, Saved by the Bell, That's So Raven, The O.C., Gilmore Girls, i literally could go on for days.

They are films you watch to look at the acting, cinematography, direction and Twilight just isn't one of them. It's way too gripping and there is way too much going on, I don't know what it is about the film that made me totally shut off and ENJOY it, that's quite a rare accomplishment, i think it just had so much hype, and i was with such fun people who knew what they were getting into. Another surprise, it was quite funny, I didn't expect it to be funny AT ALL, I loved when Jacob said 'We both know, I'm hotter than you'

Now my wish is to read the books, watch the films and buy the T-Shirt. Sign me up, like seriously! I might actually give Potter a second chance in a completely unrelated topic - maybe i've got him wrong. Or not.

OK, let's upset some more people - Jacob (Taylor Lautner) has a really weird face, he literally looks like a warewolf.


  1. kingsley, twilight is bare shod

  2. I'm glad you liked it - if you're looking for an easy read/watch, Twilight stuff is pretty good.
    I can't believe you don't like Harry Potter! Read it - embrace it!
