Monday 12 July 2010

#5 - Brandy Norwood

#5 Favourite Person in the world - this picture says it all really.

 I've bought every album she's ever had (post 2005) and i mean BOUGHT, not got for free. I love her, i took one of her albums on a trip to York in Year 6, and i loved York, so the album just brings back so many good memories, it's one of those things you know? Afrodisaic is DANGEROUSLY UNDERrated so many good songs; an acquired taste though.

She really should be ranked higher, don't think i'm doing her justice her, because i really am in love with her. Anything she does i'll be on it, any book she writes (when she does) i'll read it, every track she records i'll listen to it. She has a reality show atm, i can't wait for it to come to the UK, probably have to wait like 50 more months FML.

Love Brandy, she would be higher if she released an album in the last two years :'(.

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