Tuesday 13 July 2010

5 Years Ago at Stage School...

I played the Dentist in the Little Shop of Horrors, today i want to share the story of that week. It was after year 5, so that's about 5 years ago right? I payed like £150 to spend a week at Stagecoach, this was back when i was sure i was going to be an actor, i'm still amazing at acting but you know, all good actors had a fallback. Everyone there was already so good, they all could dance, sing, rap, ballet and everything! And there i was, the chubby black kid from the Bronx. I don't remember what we did on the first day, fuck that i don't even remember all we did during the week, but i do remember the auditions.

I auditioned for the main role, if you've seen the movie, i auditioned for the guy that owns the plant, back then i thought i would be good for it, now i thank God i didn't get it. But like, i was so pissed off they didn't give me the main role, i think i cried? OK, i probably didn't cry, but i was so upset! I put it down to me being black, as i do all my problems. The dentist in the show only had a few lines and ONE song, UGH!

They all loved me there in the rehearsals, i really miss it! I want to do more stuff like that! I had three back up singers, and this one SLUT was CONSTANTLY trying to steal my shine. I still get pissed off about it today, waht a fucking whore. I shut that hoe down EVERYTIME, everytime she moved forward to join me, i'd sing louder and move in front of her. In the real shows she did nothing, thankfully. I performed the song i posted, rocked the house, an old granny came up to me later and asked for my autograph, haha! I loved the week!

I think after writing all this i want to be an actor again, i'm actually doing a play again this winter, for the school. Two Planks and a Passion, medium role, good enough. Really arrogant and holier-than-thou character, can't wait :)

Yeah, i just came across that video, and started reminiscing, thought i'd share with you beautiful people.

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