Saturday 10 July 2010


Why didn't i go? Haha, i feel like everyone is out somewhere fighting a war, and i'm stuck at home alone. TO make it worse, facebook is empty apart from the other people sulking they didn't go!

FMFL. Like three months ago I didn't want to go to Lounge, two months ago i didn't want to go, a month ago i didn't want to go, last week i didn't want to go, but in the last few days when i truly realised EVERYONE was going, I WANT TO GO! :'( But i don't ACTUALLY want to go, get me?

To make it worse i can hear all those lesbians on that farm having fun, fucking each other and having white-teen drama, all without me! Someone's already been impregnated by now, and i wouldn't even know!

The only consolation is that next weekend is Holly's and that's FREE, so woohoo. One thing that bugs me about Lounge is the prices, i mean COME ON, A Ground Pass to Wimbledon is £20, center court on the first 3 days doesn't go over £50, an average Beyonce ticket is about £50, a happy meal is what £2.99, and some whitebreds down at Merton Farm expect me to pay £75 to spend the weekend sweating it out listening to shitty bands, pfft. The only reason NOW, why i want to go is because, as i said, EVERYONE is there. And to make it worse, my sister who always said it was shit and that i shouldn't go, guess what, she's there and loving it; but she didn't have to pay, so props to her!

This rant was so therapeutic! There, i'm over it. Ugh, i wish it would rain or some shit, but no, has to be the hottest day of the year for those lucky lesbians (alliteration huh?)

Next year, maybe? pfftt

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