Saturday 3 July 2010


Started having serious nightmares last night. Two in succession, well calling them nightmares is a bit dramatic, let's say bad dreams. They all were about one thing, results day.

In both of the nightmares someone would step on my results sheet before I open them, and when i'd open them I'd see some terrible results like Bs and Cs, and only a few stars. In everyone i'd panic, and for the first one, i SERIOUSLY thought it was real, we all get those dreams were it's hard to snap out of it, but this was even scarier. I'm going to die of a heart attack before the 19th and the 24th!

But yeah, not going to write about it anymore. Wasting my time, nothing can be changed, so yeah.

Brighter Note -
Mummy just booked holiday to Italy in August :)

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