Sunday 18 July 2010


Too pissed and tired to write about it now! But an angry post IS coming!

An hour later -
Ok, not so angry!

But my night was that, some twats threw me in a pool, with my camera and my phone STILL in my pocket. They won't work now, and i leave for Italy on the 5th, now what am i going to do! For FUCK'S sakeeee!
And my favourite shirt in the world got thrown in the fire by some low-rent twin twat, UGH. Like none of these were malicious, but still. Came home at 6, hav slept about 6 hours, i'm not even that tired, just annoyed! No camera, no phone, but still loved it.


Life without a phone - I use my phone like every second of my life, this is so depressing, what am i going to do with my life! I have no idea what the time is or anything! I loved that phone, i just got it doing the things i wanted to. Not perfect but for FUCK'S SAKE!!!! Christina Aguilera's Hurt is the PERFECT song for what i'm feeling, might sing it in a vlog? GOD!

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