Sunday 26 September 2010

Rant - What' On My Mind

It's so strange, I'm freezing cold and it's raining like we're in India or something! No cool, today has been such a joke! It better not rain again this week, cos I'd literally cry. The weather does really dictate your mood, and a couple of winters ago I diagnosed myself with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It's actually a real thing, and I had it, I hate winter so fucking much! Also, I'm not the biggest fan of winter around, but that's another story. I hope I don't get S.A.D. this year.

Just having a glance at the forecast for next week, F.M.L. But enough of that, I hate people that spend their life talking about the weather, it's so pointless, I don't want to be THAT guy.

When I started this I had loads on my mind, now I suddenly forgot, UGH!

Well It's my birthday on the 6th of October, which is really soon. So get excited, I'm calling it 'KingsDay' I expect big things that day, so my friends better not let me down. I'm not sure though If i want to start driving? I'm not really a driver sort of person, If I start driving, I'm not sure I'd get in a car with me! I'd also be petrified of going over 30mph, I just don't know how people do it, it's the fact that any little mistake at that speed and you DIE! That scares me.

I also really want to have a party, but two things, where ? (My house is a definite no-no) and who would I invite? Because although I'd take pleasure in not inviting some people, it'd be so hard to not invite others. So it's a no-no. But i'd have so much power! I'd kill to be one of those Super Sweet 16 people just for a day, and have the pre-party for invites, then the big thing, then Bee would rock out to the Party, and we'd all live happy ever after.

Alas, things like that don't happen in Canterbury.

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