Friday 24 September 2010

New Glee Review (Moderate Spoilers)

Glee's back, and I just could not wait for E4 to get their act together and show the first episode, not even sure when it comes on. So decided to watch it online! Loved it! The opening sequence is that jewish guy doing interviews with the glee club members, it's all so hilarious - you'll enjoy it!

Sue's new rival, the butch football coach is scary as! She's actually a woman, would you believe! She did wrestling at high school and all that jazz, which explains a lot - still think Sue could take her! The first song they did was Empire State of Mind, and it's so good! They have such a unique sound, they can literally Glee-ify every song, this was done really well. Not their BEST songs though, but a nice opener, nonetheless. Quote of the episode is probably Rachel talking to the new foreign exchange girl about Glee club where she says 'Glee club is fun, swaying in background can be fun' in a really patronising slightly racist way. Oh when Sue interrupts them murdering Lady Gaga's telephone, in fact that whole toilet scene is golden, look out for that!

Did not enjoy Artie rapping, did like the new guy though. But Artie needs to go, like push him off the stairs or something. Never liked him, annoying and anal voice, anal personality. They did Billionaire, it wasn't their best, wasn't awful, but I won't listen to it, ever again.

I'll only spoil half the episode for you :) But they did a really good job, great way to open. Not ULTRA-EXCITING though, but good nonetheless.

The next episode, Britney.

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