Saturday 18 September 2010

21st September 2010 - 2nd Season of Glee Premieres

The only good thing about the fall/autumn, is new TV. Charging ahead my list of shows I'm super excited about is GLEE. Something I didn't realise was that the first episode of the new season will be airing in 3 days time, I'm not sure when we'll get it over here in the UK though; not that I care, I'll watch it online anyways :)

I'm reading about the first few episodes now and they sound really good. There's a new girl, Charice, who is OK, but she better not steal Mercedes's thunder. I'm not sure where she's going to 'fit' into the show but whatever. Still holding out on Mitch Hewer joining the cast, but his audition did suck, so yeah.

Highlights include Sue getting a new enemy and Lea doing GaGa's Telephone. They also do Empire's State of Mind and Billionaire. Sue's new enemy is a butch lesbian football coach, if you watch enough TV you WILL recognise her, just wait. She always does a spot on TV shows!

Give the songs a listen -

New Glee Faces-

The girl on the right is a foreign exchange student, with a huge voice - who is now Rachel's rival ! The middle one is Sue's new rival. The far left is Finn's rival! Everyone has a rival this season, my resolution is to find a rival, they must be in.

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