Friday 24 September 2010

Big Bang Theory - Season 4 Premiere Review

If you haven't already spent 30 minutes of your life with the Big Bang Theory, what are you doing with your life? Well, it's not raining anymore so I probably could have done something with my life tonight, but why? The Big Bang Theory is amaze, and the new season just started, so why not catch up?

The Guy that plays Sheldon is fresh off his Emmy win and he is literally one of the funniest characters on TV at the moment, and easily the most convincing. There's something about him, he's almost Ross 2.0 except far more awkward, but maybe not AS FUNNY as Ross, that's not a bad thing, Ross is hilarious. But Sheldon is too, and in this episode we meet his 'girlfriend' who is equally as neurotic and awkward.

It'll literally have you laughing so much. In this episode Howard gets his dick stuck in a robotic hand and Penny goes on a date with  Sheldon, and his girlfriend. The funniest characters on this show are probably Penny and Sheldon, and I think this is something the writers only realised at the end of the second season, they are such good contrasts, one is insanely clever, and the other is a blonde waitress who went to Community College.

The script is literally perfect, this episode especially had me in hysterics at times.

Not sure when this season comes to the UK, as usual, but heyho.

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