Wednesday 1 September 2010

Dear Summer, Thanks for Nothing.

Today was basically the first day of school, so the last day of the summer. I sat in the common room looking around, and concluded that in the last few weeks most people have been 'involved' in someone in some way, some girls had fucked literally half the boys in that room; this all made me think about summer.

I've always been so envious of foreign schools with 3 month long summer holidays, because that's the natural reaction. On reflection though, we're all the same, in the last quarter of however long we have we are miserably bored and on the whole fed up with the summer holidays. However, this could be a swooping generalisation as the weather during the summer holidays in places like Italy and the US, is actually what summer's meant to be. Here on the other hand, after mid-august we get rain and it doesn't get above 20 degrees, like EVER!

This was meant to be THE summer though, there's so much hype with this specific holiday after GCSEs. This 10 week holiday, felt no longer than the 6 week ones, but at the beginning for some reason I thought time would be something abundant in value, so much so that during the first weeks I regularly wasted days just sitting about doing nothing. But this wasn't the plan at the beginning, I remember me saying I was going to learn a maths unit, practise chinese, do some charity work, do some work experience and invent the time machines - phineas and ferb make all this look so darnnn easy! I'm not even going to go into the detail of just HOW badly I've failed, one thing I'm happy with is that I went on holiday and I read a lot. I tried to get some charity work, but no refugees showed up, tried to work in 2 different retirement homes and in a charity shop - but for some reasons ALL THE MANAGERS WERE ON HOLIDAY.

But enough of my failures, my biggest disappointment is that I didn't play enough tennis. Normally in summer I play every day, but for some reason this holiday saw literally no action.

So now, I'm probably more excited for school, than I am for the next summer holidays. I actually miss exams and revising and all that, I got used to all that jazz. It's going to be a buzz-kill just going back to lessons but I'll live. I hope your summer was better, mine wasn't BAD, I did go to Italy.  But all the out of school stuff I wanted to do was to look better for Uni especially that special  university and her friend, but recently I'm getting the impression they don't really care that much If i change some old people's nappies for a week, so I think I'll stay put?

Oh and my 'personal vent'  wasn't very well received (well it was, that was the problem), I promise it wasn't about anyone specific, I lie, but still!

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