Friday 1 October 2010

Another Friday Night....

Another friday night, another rainy night, another night of American TV. It's becoming a pattern, not sure If I should care or not? Tonight it's been Glee, Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory - in line for the rest of tonight is an impressive haul of Simpsons, Family Guy, Cleveland Show, Cougar Town, and  How I Met Your Mother. So many hours ready to be wasted, i wish my computer chair was a sofa, and my Computer was a TV, because I'd love to watch all these shows on the big screen.

I've officially become a recluse, but I don't mind. To be honest half the boys my age tonight in England are either touching themselves or playing Fifa 11, most are doing both simultaneously!

Winter's kicking IN and so is S.A.D. I sound like a broken record, but life is getting a bit repetitive these days, maybe I need Fifa 11!

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