Saturday 9 October 2010

Something Nice -

13 amazing degrees:

  • Air conditioning & Refrigeration, Kingston
  • Amenity Horticulture, University of West England
  • Citizenship studies, Southbank
  • Decision Making (Bsc), Luton
  • Cultural studies, Goldsmiths
  • David Beckham studies (12 weeks course as part of Media studies or sport science), Staffordshire
  • Gender Studies, Leeds
  • Golf Course Management, Bournemouth
  • Madonna Studies (also Post Madonna Studies), Harvard
  • Stained Glass, Swansea
  • Surf and Beach Management, Swansea (alternative to Surf science and Technology, Portsmouth)
  • Sports Turf Science, Essex
  • Wine Studies, Brighton, Coventry

Don't know how you can spend 3 years studying a course like this! Also can't believe Harvard do 'Madonna Studies', i meant what the hell! There is some employablity in some of those, but STILL! 

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