Saturday 30 October 2010

The Worst Thing in the World..

.. Another Angry post, further propagating the stereotype of the angry black man, WHO MAD?

I hate it when people gang up and just follow stupidly what other people are doing, it's so strange how evil and just plain STUPID people can be when they are acting in a pack. Like seriously, think for yourself you weasly little piece of shits.

Obviously this isn't aimed at anyone, or group.

Just a general statement. The worse thing is when groups of boys pick on a girl, it's obviously sexual frustration, and they want to bang said girl, and the only way their tiny little brains can express themselves is through immature little stunts. If it's not that then they are insecure and stupid, girls cry all the time, but it's actually just as easy to make boys cry, just have to find the right thing to say, or find the right place to kick.

I sound like an angry feminist? So I'll stop there.

Just grow up people!

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