Saturday 5 June 2010

Such Joy!

Charlie wants me to make an effort, so i'm going to write a long post here. I'm so tired though, so i literally could die midway through. Maybe i should try vlogging, always thought blogging was for ugly people with no friends, my gorgeous face should be on show, with my gorgeous voice.

Vloggging IT is, but that requires setting up a camera every day, and then talking. EFFORT, yeah i'll stick to blogging,

I'm really annoyed at someone at the moment, and im being so passive-aggressive, it feels good. I just want something bad to happen to them, you know? Not death, but something just as bad, maybe a papercut? I don't know!

Why is it still hot? Its 10:41, why is it still hot?

I'm just writing what comes in my head, it feels good.

Real good,

I don;t want to stop.
OK, i'll stop goodnight.

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