Saturday 19 June 2010

10. My Friends

No not my FRIENDS, my real friends - Ross, Phoebe, Monica, Rachel, Joey and Chandler.
I see them LITERALLY every day, just like half the world. I know JUST what they are going to say, it's a special relationship.

I don't know what i'll do when they stop re-runs, which they are actually doing soon if i'm right. I might start a petition to stop them doing it, they just can't.

They're all funny, presentable and have nice voices and for that they are no.10. My favorite would probably be... Ross, or Phoebe. Monica a close third, seeing as i'm now in love with Cougar Town. Ross has to be the funniest, i don't LOVE joey, especially seeing as he went out with Rachel late in the show, what were they thinking! Seriously?

But yeah, Friends are my no.10, i don't stalk and follow them as much as the others on my list, but still worth a mention :)

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