Monday 21 June 2010


I'm thinking of letting my hair grow out this summer, thoughts? I'm not sure, i hate having to put effort in every morning to make it look good, YES it does take effort, and YES i do have bad hair days. So yeah, for now i'm not going to cut it, so let's see how that goes :)

My last exam is Wednesday, everyone else, the WHORES has finished, except for like 40 other people, but they don't count. I have the hardest exam of my life tomorrow, chinese writing, i've spent HOURS revising and i still don't think i'll pass (pass = 100%)I don't what to stop learning chinese though, i'm doing three languages atm, and after Wednesday (German) i won't have anymore language exams ever in my life :(

Wimbledon has STARTED, i'm so happy, i can't wait spend hours in front of the TV watching wheelchair doubles <3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Wimbledon, and the best part is; if all goes well i should be going there on Monday, next week! Not center court, but a ground pass, which is like access to all the courts BUT the main 3. I DONT CARE though, because the second monday is the best day, everyone plays and likelihood is you are GOING to see a top player, downside is that the practice courts will be emptier than normal :( I'm a virgin, so this would be my first time.

Today was a good day, Federer nearly lost, but my GOD would i have LOVED to write, Federer LOST, i hate that man. Robson did well, Venus did VERY well , Clijsters and Henin through :) All going well!

The weather BETTER be good on Monday, i will CRY if it's not, just CRY CRY CRY!!!

My Top 10 list is still on-going, don't fret :)

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