Saturday 19 June 2010

9. Will Smith

Will Smith
Otherwise known as Black Jesus

– his birth was ‘Fresh Prince’, the whole feeding of the 500 story
was ‘Independence day’ and ‘Robots’, and his crucifixion was ‘Wild Wild West’ Complete legend doesn’t need to be said, EVERYONE EVERYWHERE should have seen EVERY film, TV show he has ever been in, he’s just that good. All started really with Fresh Prince, which might I add has to be one of the best TV shows ever and then ever since then he’s just grown and grown and grown. Maybe recently he’s slowed down, but he’s still amazing. Only fault with him is that he only really ever did ONE tv show, as good as that may have been, would have loved to have another show.

That’s another thing, this man has songs, TV shows and films – who else?

Not only is he filthy rich and hilarious, he’s just a nice guy. I’m talking like I know him, like we go out for lunch, like I call him ‘Big Willie’, I don’t but I COULD.

Again, we haven’t got to the people that I stalk daily, but Big Willie, I just love him. The only film I haven’t seen of his is ‘Seven Pounds’ Not that I don’t want to, I just haven’t got to it. But if he releases another film, I’ll be there. And when another Fresh Prince episode comes on, just like you, I’ll be there.

Can someone please tell me if I’m using commas right? I never get them 

1 comment:


    Carlton :O
