Thursday 11 August 2011

Good Conversations

Don't people miss GOOD conversations. Like conversations that go on for hours, and the topic is something deeper than generic trite crap. I just had a little flashback to what I think was the best conversation I've ever had with someone, then I started thinking about more of these conversations, and I really do miss them. It's not necessarily gossip (that only takes about 30 minutes max), but this was actually about deep personal stuff on both parts.

It's not necessarily with people I would call my closest friends, so is that a problem? I try to keep people that I've had these conversations with close, and will do so forever.

This is a very random rant, but I'll like to read it in a few months and remember again some of these conversations. Some were on the phone and some were in person. Hell some even were in the good old days of MSN. I literally can't remember the last time I've had a GOOD conversation. Good chats are loose and frequent, but who really cares about that?

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