Saturday 6 August 2011

Bum Bitches

The following is about a friend of mine, no really, it isn't about me. If it was I would say, K?

Well, how do I begin? Story involves two friends. One's a complete BUM BITCH and the other is lovely. The lovely one has a horrible ex-boyfriend, who won't stop talking shit. Recently he's upped his came a  bit, and has started saying some repulsive things to everyone in sight, including BB (Bum Bitch). Now these two are meant to be really good friends, so you think BB would completely lay into the boy and tell him to shut the fuck up.

Well she doesn't, she almost JOINS in and laughs at her VERY GOOD FRIEND behind her back. What's worse is that they text all the time now and go out on little outings. BB hasn't even told her friend about ANY of this and she's had to find out by other people, BB still hasn't fessed up. Good people don't like confrontation, so BB is getting away with this crime, for now. The fact that she's hiding all this, she must know she's doing a bad thing! Right?

But you know, there are some really shady people out there. There's two faced, and there's straight SCARY FACED BITCH.

The End.


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