Saturday, 29 October 2011

Friday, 2 September 2011

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Last Week of Summer - 'The Help' and 'The Kids are All Right' - Random Ramblings

Hey, haven't done a post in forever. I've had such a nice few days, doing very little, reading, watching movies and just milling about at home. I've just finished watching 'The Kids are All Right' and yesterday I saw 'The Help'. That's two movies in tow days, for me that's big. I never normally watch movies, that's two hours of your time, which seems like a LOT of time to invest to one thing at home. I'm so glad it was these two films, they were both so amazing, so so amazing. I don't watch too many films, but the ones I do watch I love to death. So it's either I am easily impressed, or I'm just amazing at cherry-picking.

It all started yesterday. I was bored at home, it was about 4pm, everyone I know was either staying at home or too lazy to go out, so I decided to stroll into town on my own and just walk about a bit. I did think I'd find people I know, but once I got there I was pretty content with just walking about doing different things.

I took this picture before I went into Waterstone's
This is a couple having an argument. Well they were basically breaking up. She was crying her eyes out and he was pretty much laughing. You're probably appalled I took a photo of this VERY private moment, but I can explain. In my stroll through town I saw them at literally 3 different spots, arguing and the girl in hysterics. They'd basically been following me around, so I thought. Why not snap them?

After this shot I went into Waterstone's, and randomly I picked up a book called 'The Help', I recognized the title from someone tweet so I read the blurb. It sounded literally amazing and I stood there for 5 minutes reading bits of the book. Noone wanted to go out that night, so I decided I'd look for the movie online and watch it that night. Literally felt like a calling.

After watching 'The Color Purple' I feel a strange connection to stories about oppressed black people, where that oppression isn't the centre of the story but an omnipresent feature. 'The Color Purple' and 'The Help' fit the bill perfectly, fantastic stories that are enriched by their 'commentary' on race relations.

'The Help' 

Set in Mississippi 1962 and deals with the phenomenon of black maids raising white children in Mississippi and the stories they have to tell about their treatment. The social commentary is worthy of a seperate blog, so I won't go into that too much, it was just a really nice film. Emma Stone is getting an Oscar for this, no doubt. The pace of the film is also REALLY impressive, considering there is just SO much to deal with here, and all the characters are interesting and develop throughout the film. I really recommend this film, mostly because I want someone to talk to about bits in it. It's funny, it gets you angered, it's emotionally charged, I'm just so surprised at the depth and variety of emotions that this one film (about 2 hours) can induce. Such an achievement. It better sweep come Spring (awards). When that time comes, it'll feel great, because although this is a huge hit America, I'll feel like this is 'my team' and 'my film. 

I was so impressed with this film, my faith in Cinema was restored. That's another thing about me, I never ever go to the Cinema these days. Even saying the word sounds odd to me. It's overpriced and everyone sees the same thing, it rarely feels special. So I avoid films, unless I'm with a friend at home.

So the first thing I did today was wake up, read then find a film to watch. 

I'll review 'The Kids are All Right' later. Too much to say. 

Friday, 12 August 2011

A Day in Peckham - Thursday 11th August

Hello journalist me.

Well not really, I just like 'Phonography' with my camera.

Denim on Black Folk

I really want to start wearing more denim now. I opted out of buying these items a while back. Now wish I didn't.

Also need some more hats.

Drake cheering on his new beau Serena Williams

Serena better get her Canadian peeen.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Charlie and George - What A Pair

Good Conversations

Don't people miss GOOD conversations. Like conversations that go on for hours, and the topic is something deeper than generic trite crap. I just had a little flashback to what I think was the best conversation I've ever had with someone, then I started thinking about more of these conversations, and I really do miss them. It's not necessarily gossip (that only takes about 30 minutes max), but this was actually about deep personal stuff on both parts.

It's not necessarily with people I would call my closest friends, so is that a problem? I try to keep people that I've had these conversations with close, and will do so forever.

This is a very random rant, but I'll like to read it in a few months and remember again some of these conversations. Some were on the phone and some were in person. Hell some even were in the good old days of MSN. I literally can't remember the last time I've had a GOOD conversation. Good chats are loose and frequent, but who really cares about that?

Monday, 8 August 2011

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Canterbury... In The Last Week


Someone got raped outside Sainsbury's - a 14 year old boy by a man in his 40s. To make it worse, I think the kid is foreign, so is only in England visiting. Imagine going back home and having to deal with that. In Canterbury as well, rough.


A dead body was found in a car by the carpark near SLGS. Again, in Canterbury. Definitely murder.


Young couple violently beaten, again outside Sainsbury's. (Just don't go there) By two men. They were probably chavs or something and brought it on themselves, but still!


Bum Bitches

The following is about a friend of mine, no really, it isn't about me. If it was I would say, K?

Well, how do I begin? Story involves two friends. One's a complete BUM BITCH and the other is lovely. The lovely one has a horrible ex-boyfriend, who won't stop talking shit. Recently he's upped his came a  bit, and has started saying some repulsive things to everyone in sight, including BB (Bum Bitch). Now these two are meant to be really good friends, so you think BB would completely lay into the boy and tell him to shut the fuck up.

Well she doesn't, she almost JOINS in and laughs at her VERY GOOD FRIEND behind her back. What's worse is that they text all the time now and go out on little outings. BB hasn't even told her friend about ANY of this and she's had to find out by other people, BB still hasn't fessed up. Good people don't like confrontation, so BB is getting away with this crime, for now. The fact that she's hiding all this, she must know she's doing a bad thing! Right?

But you know, there are some really shady people out there. There's two faced, and there's straight SCARY FACED BITCH.

The End.


Thursday, 4 August 2011

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Friday, 22 July 2011

Sebastian Haffner on ...

I live by this quote. This is me.

Sebastian Haffner - Defying Hitler -

To provoke extremes of love and hate, to be worshiped like a God or loathed like the devil, is given only to a truly exceptional person who is poles apart from the masses.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Friday, 1 July 2011

Schoolin Life

This is for them 20 somethings,
Time really moves fast you were just sixteeeen

This is for them 30 somethings
That didn't turn out exactly how your mom & dad wanted you to beeeey

This is for them 40 somethings
Well raise up your glass & laugh like a mutha (mutha)

This is for them 50 somethings
Hell, you're half-way there baby take it to the head

Mom & Dad tried to hide the world
Said the world's just to big for a little girl
Eyes wide open can't you see
I had my first heels by the age of thirteen

Mom & Dad tried to hide the boys
I swear that just made em want me more
At 14 they asked me what I wanna be
I said, BABY 21 so I get me a drink

I'm not a teacher babe, but I can teach you something
Not a preacher, but we can pray if you wanna
Ain't a doctor, but I can make you feel better
But I'm great at wrting these sick-uh love letters

I'm a freak all day uh-uh all night
High top, flight, boy out of sight
And I'm crazy all day uh-uh all night
Who needs a degree when you're schoolin' life?!

This is for them 'pretty' somethings
Livin in the fast lane, see you when you crash baaaabe

This is for them sexy somethings
That body ain't gon always get you outta everythaaaang

This is for them bitter somethings
Stop living in regret, baby it's not over yet

And this is for them jiggga somethings
That's high on life, baby put me on yo flight

Monday, 27 June 2011

Saturday, 11 June 2011