Wednesday 10 November 2010

Student Protest

Looking at the pictures from today, of both the anarchists and the more peaceful protesters puts a smile on my face. It's unacceptable what the Government is doing, and I'm glad so many people came out to show their disgust.

It's very rare for news to be so relevant and poignant to me, but the rise in tuition fees really is. Cuts do need to be made, but I do not see how it can be justified to pass on debts intergenerationally. It's unethical, and as much as some in the Government like to say that it's progressive, it's violently regressive.

How can people that went to University for free, expect to turn around and impose such ludicrous fees on a whole generation. This march is so important for the issue of tuition fees, at the very least Government will be far less ready to raise tuition fees in the future, they see just HOW appalled we are. The NUS thought about 2 weeks ago hundreds would go to the protest, this morning it was 16,000, the actual number for the day was 50,000. We are appalled!

For some students, their parents face cuts to their wages, the danger of osing their pension or worse being completely unemployed. How in the world can these people expect to aspire to higher education, with these fees how can a generation aspire to higher education.

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