Monday 15 November 2010

I LOVE being Upset about something

It's really nice to be upset about something, right now I'm upset about something, and as soon as I thought of the post I got over it. Well not really, but I'm getting there.

It's fascinating because you can step back for a bit and think, Why am I Upset about this? What exactly is it that I'm upset about?

I won't say what the thing is at this moment, but say I was upset because I lost my pencil case (Which actually did happen today!)  I can step back and say, what exactly about losing my pencil case is upsetting? Is it what's in the pencil case? Or is it that as I like to feel organised, so I'm upset that I've let something very important go missing in a very careless manner. Or is it that I'm upset because I've attached some sentimental value to this pencil case that I've had for almost 2 years. Am I upset that as well as a sentimental value, I've attached something very superstitious to this pencil case, as I had it through my summer exams, which went quite well.

By asking these questions in detail, not only do I distract myself from what I'm upset about, I also learn so much more about myself in the process. Maybe I would have been able to explain this idea with a less trivial reason for getting upset, but I think you get the point.

It's really a very therapeutic mechanism,

Thought I'd share.

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