Wednesday 4 August 2010


Super stoked about tommorow, going on holiday for the first time in AGESSSSSSS. It's because I feel like I'm on holiday living here in England; so I guess it would be like going on holiday while being on holiday - if that makes sense to you? One thing I'm peed off about is that I don't get to see any of my good friends before I leave, because I thought I was leaving at 5am tommorow, so I didn't go out tonight or do anything meaningful during the day. 11 days I'm staying, which is a long time, no? The one meaningful thing that has made my day and my summer and my life was that my friend gave me his camera to use for my holiday! I literally was fighting depression going to Italy without a Camera, but now it's all OK; my holiday is saved. Praise be to Beysus.

The excitement really kick started when I realised that all my favourite things come from Italy, like seriously. Think about it I'm sure all of your favourite things are from Italy too. If your favourite things like me are Pasta, Pizza, Ice Cream and Valentino's fall collection; OK the last thing was added for emphasis, but you get my point. Italy's amazing. In England you can't go a mile without a shitty pub or fish'n'chips joint, hopefully Italy will be the same, but with Ice Cream joints, pizza joints and pasta palaces (Hello alliteration!) I hope our guests take us out to dinner every evening, I'll die happy! Oh and Piano is from Italy, therefore music is from Italy, so woo!

One thing I'm bummed about though is that Italians speak Italian, why not French, German or Chinese. I've never had any desire to learn Italian, just such a dud language for me - doesn't get you anywhere, it's just there in Italy. I'm always bragging about my linguistic skills but it's a total bummer I'm going to be just the average ignorant tourist on this trip. With me doing no languages next year, this summer would have been my perfect, I fear only chance to use one of my languages abroad. My chinese teacher had promised to take me to China, but that sort of dissolved, very quickly too. The good thing is that my french cousins are coming over as soon as I come back, so at least I get to flex those language muscles one last time. Oh shit, that just reminded me of results day, ineedamoment. Who invented Results Day, SERIOUSLY!

We're staying with family, but we're be roaming the first day I think. I do need to learn some phrases though as we land in Milan and need to get to Modena, which is like 2 hours away on train, so yeah. Hopefully it's one of those shameless countries where everyone speaks English.

See you in 11 days, I just found out there is no internet there :'(

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