Sunday 22 August 2010

Italy 2010 - In Pictures

This picture was taken after we got of the plane in Milano Malpensa Airport, it was on the bus that takes you to the main building of the airport. The flight was so quick, and I always forget I'm scared of flying till I'm actually taking off; when I'm flying and on the ground I totally think I love it - but i was genuinely nervy when we were taking off. I love what I'm wearing, that's one thing (out of many)I loved about the holiday, I dressed so well during the 10 days, I did have some dud days, but on the whole A+ for sure.  We were so excited here!

We got a coach from the Airport to the train station, which lasted like 50 minutes for some stupid reason. This meant that we missed the last train to Modena (where we were staying) it was like midnight and we had to scramble to find a hotel. I say that but there were like 5 hotels outside the central station, we just picked the first we found. This was taken in our room, the view outside the window was so good. I'd never been that excited to be in a hotel room! However one bad moment going into the hotel was that one drunk hobo said to us 'Go Back to Africa' I was like 'woah'. Now It's sinked in, I'm more surprised that he could even speak English! Most people there couldn't which is completely backward I felt, but that drunk abusive and ignorant hobo could, how does that work? Good for him though!

This was at the hotel's restaurant, then we thought finding a Ristorante-Pizzeria was really unique but it turns out it's even worse than 'FISH'N'CIP' places in England, there are 5 pizzerias for each sq mile! This one was run by chinese people, who didn't speak English, so I had to speak chinese to them. The funniest thing was that as soon as my mum saw they were chinese, she started asking for special fried rice and noodles! Which we just CRACKED up at!

The view from outside the flat we stayed at. So nice! The flat was SO spacious, when you think flats in England you think of boxes, but this was a 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom flat! I swear it was even bigger than most HOUSES in England. 

The cutest baby in the world, my little cousin! We stayed with his mum and dad! His name's Destiny, he's one! Literally the best baby ever, I miss him so much!

Buff picture of me.

A wedding we went to, there were so many black people in the town! Quite surprised, some parts of Italy are literally Africa apparently! I heard more Igbo (nigerian language) than I did Italian I think! Madness!

The town's monday market, so busy! And again so many black people! Found some nice shoes there.

From left to right - My uncle Mike, My mum, My aunty Juliet and her son Destiny.

Literally so many nice buildings there! And the churches were AMAZING, we went in one to take pictures, and suddenly everyone looked at us like WTF, so we just acted like we were praying and left ! 

Everyone rides bikes over there, so we thought we'd join in. I love all the colours I'm wearing! HA! In this particular bike ride, i saw a huge dog throw up, I was traumatised.

Left is my sister with her very attention-grabbing hair. I want to post more pictures of my cutie cousin, but perverts are about, and my sister said I ought not to!

Some classic sightseeing in the main town. This was some ancient castle, the annoying thing about this trip was that everything was closed and everyone was on holiday somewhere! I couldn't get over how lazy Italians were! It was like this all over the country, like seriously could never imagine that, even in England;s smallest towns. We could only go in certain parts of the castle, but still managed some fit pictures.

Made a friend, called him Joe.

As well as Pizzeria's every sq-mile had a Gelateria (Ice-cream parlour) and MY GOD was it good! The food was amazing too, just to say, Pizzas and Pasta and ish were buff! But  the ice-cream takes the cake (no pun intended, or indeed achieved) Came back to England and found Italian-style ice-cream, just the fact that it's at extortionately high prices and the quality would most probably be questionable. 

After many days of searching we found our first clay court! I was so excited! Next time I go there, I'll definitely sign up and play! Never seen a clay court in the flesh, had to grope it and all that. Quite exciting, for me at least!

Some friends we made there, sisters Jessica and Mary. The one on the left wants to do Economics, like me, so spent some time lecturing her about what she needs to do and that. This was at Destiny's birthday party, which we had to basically run and organise.

My outfit, my oh my. Middle Guy is Junior, another nigerian, cool guy. 

On the last day, before we got the train to the airport.

Such a good 10 days, and after I've been to Paris and Seattle, Italy is next on my list for sure! That may not sound like much, but it is! I loved it! 

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